ports/84709: Update port: devel/bison to version 2.0

Frerich Raabe frerich at hex.athame.co.uk
Tue Aug 9 21:40:24 UTC 2005

The following reply was made to PR ports/84709; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Frerich Raabe <frerich at hex.athame.co.uk>
To: pav at freebsd.org
Cc: bug-followup at freebsd.org
Subject: Re: ports/84709: Update port: devel/bison to version 2.0
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 00:08:38 +0300

 	here's an excerpt of the NEWS file:
 --- cut here ---
 * Possibly-incompatible changes
   - Bison-generated parsers no longer default to using the alloca function
     (when available) to extend the parser stack, due to widespread
     problems in unchecked stack-overflow detection.  You can "#define
     YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA 1" to require the use of alloca, but please read
     the manual to determine safe values for YYMAXDEPTH in that case.
   - Error token location.
     During error recovery, the location of the syntax error is updated
     to cover the whole sequence covered by the error token: it includes
     the shifted symbols thrown away during the first part of the error
     recovery, and the lookahead rejected during the second part.
   - Semicolon changes:
     . Stray semicolons are no longer allowed at the start of a grammar.
     . Semicolons are now required after in-grammar declarations.
   - Unescaped newlines are no longer allowed in character constants or
     string literals.  They were never portable, and GCC 3.4.0 has
     dropped support for them.  Better diagnostics are now generated if
     forget a closing quote.
   - NUL bytes are no longer allowed in Bison string literals, unfortunately.
 --- cut here ---
 I don't know how many bison grammars that affects, and I don't see how you
 could tell unless you just go and try it out (and back out in case too many
 things break).
 - Frerich

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