ports/64058: Update of port databases/libiodbc to version 3.51.2 (latest release on iodbc.org)

Mark Linimon linimon at FreeBSD.org
Fri Mar 12 04:37:10 UTC 2004

Synopsis: Update of port databases/libiodbc to version 3.51.2 (latest release on iodbc.org)

State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
State-Changed-By: linimon
State-Changed-When: Thu Mar 11 20:31:01 PST 2004
There are a couple of problems with this PR.  First, you have
submitted the entire port as a sharfile, instead of as a diff
to the existing port (as requested via the Porter's Handbook).
This make it more time-consuming for ports committers to figure
out exactly what has changed.  Second, you did not Cc: the
port maintainer (unfortunately, GNATS is not capable of doing
this); this is seen as a courtesy to the maintainer.  Third,
if you had done so, you would probably have found out that there
is an existing maintainer-update to the port (ports/62877),
although it is for the previous version of the distfile; it is
in the 'feedback' state because I had problems installing the
update.  I have not yet heard back from the submitter/maintainer,
although it hasn't been that long.

Please forward your diffs, as created with diff -ruN, to the
maintainer first, and see if you get any feedback; if you wish,
you may do that via an update to 62877, which will automatically
notify him.


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