ports/68450: [patch] ports/database/db[234]/pkg-descr spelling and grammar nits

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at gmx.de
Wed Jun 30 07:14:25 UTC 2004

I'm sanctioning the changes as such
but not the way they have taken into the CVS.

1. to the submitter, fox@:
   PRs should be Cc:d to the port maintainer

2. to the committer, Mark:
   The changes were neither important nor urgent, so there was no reason
   for the committer to go ahead and commit without asking feedback first.

Please let's stick to the regular "maintainer gives his OK, committer
reviews and only then commits" principle that is one of the building
blocks of the quality of the build system.

I'll agree to commits and possibly fix them up later when they address
an issue that is both urgent and important. This certainly wasn't.

Matthias Andree

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