ports/69636: [new port] biology/blast

Fernan Aguero fernan at iib.unsam.edu.ar
Tue Jul 27 12:08:52 UTC 2004

+----[ <FreeBSD-gnats-submit at FreeBSD.org> (26.Jul.2004 19:58):
| Thank you very much for your problem report.
| It has the internal identification `ports/69636'.
| The individual assigned to look at your
| report is: freebsd-ports-bugs. 
| You can access the state of your problem report at any time
| via this link:
| http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=69636
| >Category:       ports
| >Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
| >Synopsis:       [new port] biology/blast
| >Arrival-Date:   Mon Jul 26 22:50:18 GMT 2004

Here's the patch. 


Fernan Aguero -  fernan at iib.unsam.edu.ar
Phone: +54 11 4580-7255/7 ext 310, Fax: +54 11 4752-9639
Check http://genoma.unsam.edu.ar/~fernan for more info.

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