ports/60872: Fix misc/wmcp on 5.X

Samy Al Bahra samy at kerneled.com
Sat Jan 3 21:10:37 UTC 2004

>Number:         60872
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       Fix misc/wmcp on 5.X
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Sat Jan 03 13:10:08 PST 2004
>Originator:     Samy Al Bahra
>Release:        FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT i386

System: FreeBSD beastie.freebsd.local 5.1-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT #0: Wed Aug 20 18:35:24 AST 2003     samy at beastie.freebsd.local:/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/KERNELED i386


misc/wmcp does not build on 5.X machines
due to its usage of unterminated multiline
literals, now depreciated in gcc 3.X. The
following patch fixes this issue by properly
escaping these literals.


Build with gcc 3.X.


--- wmcp.patch begins here ---
diff -ruN wmcp/Makefile /home/samy/tmp/wmcp/Makefile
--- wmcp/Makefile	Wed Dec 17 18:13:11 2003
+++ /home/samy/tmp/wmcp/Makefile	Sat Jan  3 17:14:06 2004
@@ -20,10 +20,4 @@
-.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
-.if ${OSVERSION} >= 501000
-BROKEN=		"Does not compile"
-.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
+.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff -ruN wmcp/files/patch-wmcp.c /home/samy/tmp/wmcp/files/patch-wmcp.c
--- wmcp/files/patch-wmcp.c	Thu Jan  1 03:00:00 1970
+++ /home/samy/tmp/wmcp/files/patch-wmcp.c	Sat Jan  3 17:16:38 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+--- wmcp.c.orig	Sat Jan  3 17:14:42 2004
++++ wmcp.c	Sat Jan  3 17:15:43 2004
+@@ -806,38 +806,38 @@
+ void show_usage()
+ {
+-This software is GPL -- do as you wish with it.
+-Origional Author:
+-   Ben Cohen <buddog at aztec.asu.edu>
+-   Thomas Nemeth <tnemeth at multimania.com>
+-   Craig Maloney <craig at ic.net>
+-   Gert Beumer <Gert at scintilla.utwente.nl>
+-usage: wmcp [-g geometry] [-d dpy] [-n workspaces] [-a alt key] [-v]
+-            [-c] [-w i/n/w] [-s y/n] [-x #] [-y #] [-h]
+--g    geometry:    ie: 64x64+10+10
+--d    dpy:         Display. ie:
+--n    workspaces:  How many buttons to start with.
+--a    alt key:     integer 1-4 defining ModXMask (default 1 Mod1Mask).
+--w    i/n/w:       Window State: Iconic, Normal, Withdrawn (default Withdrawn)
+--s    y/n:         Shaped window: yes or no (default y)
+--c                 Sends CTRL + ALT + Key (default only sends ALT + key)
+--v                 Verbose. 0=off, 1=on (default 0)
+--x                 Number of buttons on the x-direction (1,2,3, or 4)
+--y                 Number of buttons in the y-direction (1,2,3, or 4)
+--h                 Help. This screen.
++This software is GPL -- do as you wish with it.\n\
++Origional Author:\n\
++   Ben Cohen <buddog at aztec.asu.edu>\n\
++   Thomas Nemeth <tnemeth at multimania.com>\n\
++   Craig Maloney <craig at ic.net>\n\
++   Gert Beumer <Gert at scintilla.utwente.nl>\n\
++usage: wmcp [-g geometry] [-d dpy] [-n workspaces] [-a alt key] [-v]\n\
++            [-c] [-w i/n/w] [-s y/n] [-x #] [-y #] [-h]\n\
++-g    geometry:    ie: 64x64+10+10\n\
++-d    dpy:         Display. ie:\n\
++-n    workspaces:  How many buttons to start with.\n\
++-a    alt key:     integer 1-4 defining ModXMask (default 1 Mod1Mask).\n\
++-w    i/n/w:       Window State: Iconic, Normal, Withdrawn (default Withdrawn)\n\
++-s    y/n:         Shaped window: yes or no (default y)\n\
++-c                 Sends CTRL + ALT + Key (default only sends ALT + key)\n\
++-v                 Verbose. 0=off, 1=on (default 0)\n\
++-x                 Number of buttons on the x-direction (1,2,3, or 4)\n\
++-y                 Number of buttons in the y-direction (1,2,3, or 4)\n\
++-h                 Help. This screen.\n\
+ exit(-1);
--- wmcp.patch ends here ---


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