Subject: Re: ports/62690: Postfix with LDAP support fails to compile

Oliver Eikemeier eikemeier at
Fri Feb 20 15:46:15 UTC 2004

Sergey A. Osokin wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 20, 2004 at 02:22:29PM +0100, Oliver Eikemeier wrote:
>>Sergey A. Osokin wrote:
>>>I would like to commit following patch, its also fix build problem
>>>with openldap20, please review and approve.
>>FYI: OpenLDAP 2.0 is deprecated and scheduled for removal May 2004.
>>OpenLDAP 1.2 will be removed April 2004 and shouldn't be used under any
>>circumstances (it is marked FORBIDDEN).
>>Generally users expect that when they set WANT_OPENLDAP_VER in make.conf(5),
>>pkgtools.conf(5) or on the command line that this is honored by ports.
>>The rationale is that different versions of OpenLDAP can't coexist and
>>it is therefore easy for the user to choose her preferred version.
>>Furthermore WANT_OPENLDAP_VER has a default in, which makes it
>>easy to switch versions and build non-conflicting packages. Currently
>>OpenLDAP 2.1 is the default, but I plan to switch to 2.2 if it is stable
>>enough and eventually the OpenLDAP project ceases support for 2.1.
>>I am aware that this doesn't fit well in the scheme how postfix 
>>configuration works now, but it would be nice if we could have a
>>consistent ports tree, at last in this regard.
> OK, I see your point of view.  Do you have any patches against current
> version of postfix port?

Sorry, no. Thats why I called it a suggestion. I can make some suggestions, but
I don't want to rewrite and test postfix configuration. So, in case you don't want
to do this, consider my list as `nice to have' and leave everything as it is.

- you could just scrap the `dialog' part, since we now have permanent OPTIONS

- considering OpenLDAP, I would choose something like
OpenLDAP	"OpenLDAP map lookups"	"$status_OpenLDAP"

and use

echo "BUILD_DEPENDS+=   \${LOCALBASE}/lib/libldap.a:\${PORTSDIR}/net/openldap${WANT_OPENLDAP_VER}-client"

WANT_OPENLDAP_VER is available *after*, but late evaluation
may help you. Otherwise its getting difficult, but you might want to use
the dynamic libraries anyway (and enjoy the benefits of USE_OPENLDAP).

This requires users that want to use a different version than the default
one to use WANT_OPENLDAP_VER=22 on the command line. This does not really
fit into the schema how postfix is configured now, but most people should
be happy with it, since using a newer OpenLDAP version normally doesn't
have much benefits for a client.

But maybe Vivek can come up with something *much* better ;)

Anyway, go ahead and commit the original patch, I just wanted to give you
a heads-up that things will change in April/May.

Thanks for your quick feedback

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