ports/70776: maintainer-update: multimedia/transcode: convert to OPTIONS

Pav Lucistnik pav at FreeBSD.org
Sat Aug 21 19:18:29 UTC 2004

Synopsis: maintainer-update: multimedia/transcode: convert to OPTIONS

State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
State-Changed-By: pav
State-Changed-When: Sat Aug 21 19:14:08 GMT 2004
Hmm, it's not that simple:

a) you hide autoconfiguration from user, confusing him a lot
b) default-on knobs need special treatment, which you didn't provided for them.
   Let me explain: when building a port interactively, OPTIONS code set
   either WITH_FOO or WITHOUT_FOO variable, depending on user input.
   But when building in batch (for example official package build on Bento
   is done this way), OPTIONS code does not define anything and your check
   later .if defined(WITH_LIBA52) will fail. So batch'ed packages will not
   have default dependencies.

You need to fix knobs which default to on from
.if defined(WITH_FFMPEG) 
.if !defined(WITHOUT_FFMPEG)
if you want to use OPTIONS.

Another posibility is to forget using OPTIONS in transcode port. The OPTIONS
infrastructure is not clever enough to handle everything which is there now.

BTW I believe LIBDV is not needed for DVDs, it's for DV camcorders.

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->pav
Responsible-Changed-By: pav
Responsible-Changed-When: Sat Aug 21 19:14:08 GMT 2004


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