ports/70020: [MAINTAINER] games/gnocatan: update to

Stefan Walter sw at gegenunendlich.de
Fri Aug 6 10:41:13 UTC 2004

[Cc'd Thomas Gellekum, who happened to also send patches for the update

Volker Stolz, 05.08.04, 14:31h CEST:

> Does not build on -STABLE. This looks like a GCC 2 vs. 3 issue. Usually,
> the required patches are very small and can be generated by hand in a jiffy

Hm...I looked at the code, but I don't see what the cause of this could
be. My knowledge about the differences between gcc 2 and 3 is limited,
and I don't have a -STABLE box to test it myself.

If anyone of you has any hints at what might be causing the build to
fail, please let me know. If not, I'll send the authors a mail about it.


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