Help please... Upgrade to pkg no workie

Ronald F. Guilmette rfg at
Fri Apr 28 04:02:12 UTC 2017

In message <20170427233520.25251605 at asd2>, 
Anatoly <anatoly at> wrote:

>If for some reasons you still don't want to reinstall whole system, you
>may try to build new perl from source.

Thanks. I found this thing called perlbrew, which allows generating a
freah new perl binary quite easily and *without* messing up an existing
set of perl binaries and associated libraries.

So that *would have been* a solution to the problem that I had *seemed*
to be facing.  But (sigh) in the end it turned out that I didn't need
to upgrade Perl after all.  I just needed to upgrade my *understanding*
of my Perl program... the one I had built which tried to process some
internationalized domain names, but which kept on crashing for rather
mysterious resons.

I read something that suggested that my Perl might not have the latest
and greatest understanding of international character sets, so I figured
that that was the problem.  But it tuned out that it was just barfing
because I had failed to convert input from UTF-8 into Perl's internal
representation (of international characters).

So, all's well that ends well.

But thanks for the suggestions guys.  I appreciate it.

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