FreeBSD Port: ports-mgmt/pkg

Roger Marquis marquis at
Tue Apr 5 22:14:36 UTC 2016

Zsolt Ero wrote:
>I don't know how those tools internally check the state of packages,
>but anyone who self manages a server usually writes a long line of
>"pkg install -y pkg1 pkg2 pkg3" in a script. I would think that 99% of
>server deployment scripts are structured like this.

This is a major headache for us as well.  What benefit is there to '-y'
failing if a package or dependency is already installed and at the current
version?  Do we want to specify something like '-Y' instead of '-y' for this
regression?  Would appreciate a revert to the previous behavior and its
addition to pkg-add.


>Those lines are used in the sense of "make sure that pkg1, pkg2 and
>pkg3 are all installed after this command". Now the new change totally
>breaks this behaviour.

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