perl version woe

Matthew Seaman matthew at
Thu Apr 16 07:09:09 UTC 2015

On 16/04/2015 05:27, Victor Sudakov wrote:
> I have changed the origin of the perl package with 
> "pkg set -o lang/perl5.16:lang/perl5.18", so now it's
> [root at gw ~] pkg info -xo perl
> perl5.16-5.16.3_20             lang/perl5.18
> Why does pkg still suggest installing perl5 while I already have it?

Because the packaging system recently (ie. in the last several months)
changed from using the port origin to using the port /name/ as the
unique key in the package database. 'pkg set -o' now has an equivalent
'pkg set -n' to switch the name of a dependency.  Which is as yet
completely undocumented in pkg-set(8)...

Also, with recent versions of pkg, all this faffing about with 'pkg set'
is completely unnecessary.  If you want to switch to a different version
of perl, point your pkg(8) at a repo built with the version of perl you
want and upgrade.  It's as easy as that.

If you're using portmaster or similar, you'll need to do something more
involved, but it will boil down to setting the default version for perl
in your /etc/make.conf and then reinstalling anything that puts compiled
object files somewhere under ${LOCALBASE}/lib/perl5 (ie. perl-XS stuff,
but not pure perl code.)



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