pkg-static: pkg-1.4.0.p.a11 conflicts with pkg-1.3.7 (installs files into the same place).

Craig Rodrigues rodrigc at
Sun Aug 31 16:32:19 UTC 2014

On Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 1:10 AM, Matthew Seaman
<m.seaman at> wrote:
> On 31/08/2014 06:02, Craig Rodrigues wrote:
> Presumably pkg-1.4.0.p.a11 is from the pkg-devel port?  Your output
> shows no sign of the pkg bootstrapping process, so pkg-devel must have
> already been installed.  Yet in your list of packages to install you
> specifically include 'pkg'

The first time I ran the command, I did not capture the logs.
Before running the command, I did not have pkg installed at all.
When I ran the command, it bootstrapped and installed pkg-1.3.7,
then it installed all the packages, then tried to install pkg-1.4.0.p.all.

The second time I ran the command, I did try to capture logs, which I posted.
I ran the command differently at this point.  Before running the
command, I deleted
all packages.  Then I installed pkg-devel.  Then I ran the command.
It seemed to install a bunch of packages, and then install pkg-1.3.7.

The third time I ran the command, I did not capture the log.
I repeated the steps in the second time, using pkg-1.4.0 installed.  However,
this time I removed 'pkg' from the list of explicitly specified packages.
I ran into the same problem where it tried to install pkg-1.3.7.

> As far as I know, the only package in the ports tree that has a specific
> run-time dependency (ie. the only sort of dependency pkg(8) cares about
> when handling binary packages) on pkg itself is net-snmp[*], but you
> aren't installing that, so you could use either pkg or pkg-devel quite
> happily.

# pkg info -r pkg

Is this enough to cause the problem?

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