size mismatch error with pkg-devel

Guido Falsi madpilot at
Fri Aug 8 16:11:36 UTC 2014


Today I started testing pkg-devel.

One of the machines I'm using it on is an old Eeepc I have around.
There's 10.0 on it, I build packages on poudriere from another machine
for it and update it using pkg upgrade.

After switching to pkg-devel I deleted all the packages for it from
poudriere jail to start fresh. After rebuilding all packages I went for
pkg upgrade on the machine and this is what happened:

root at crash:~ # pkg upgrade
Updating repository catalogue
mpnet repository is up-to-date
All repositories are up-to-date
Checking for upgrades (23 candidates): 100%
The following 10 packages will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
        neXtaw: 0.15.1_4

Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
        xscreensaver: 5.29_1 -> 5.29_2
        ocaml-findlib: 1.5.1 -> 1.5.2
        trousers-tddl: 0.3.10_6 -> 0.3.10_7
        pciids: 20140718 -> 20140806
        libgcrypt: 1.6.1_2 -> 1.6.1_3
        gle: 3.1.0_4 -> 3.1.0_5
        alsa-plugins: 1.0.27_2 -> 1.0.27_3

Installed packages to be REINSTALLED:
        iso-codes-3.54 (ABI changed)
        tmux-1.9.a_2 (options changed)

The process will require 1 MB more space
255 KB to be downloaded

Proceed with this action [y/N]: y
Fetching neXtaw-0.15.1_4.txz: 100% of 254 KB

pkg: cached package neXtaw-0.15.1_4: size mismatch, fetching from remote
Fetching neXtaw-0.15.1_4.txz: 100% of 254 KB

pkg: cached package neXtaw-0.15.1_4: size mismatch, cannot continue
root at crash:~ #

As I said the packages were freshly build, the machine is sitting in the
other room, ethernet connected, no proxies or other amenities. in between.

I have stopped the update and left the machine in that state, so it can
be investigated.

I saw something similar happen in the past with stable pkg 1.3.x but
solved it the crude way taking the package and forcing it to be updated
with pkg add.

I'm now reporting it in case it's some kind of bug.

I'm using pkg 1.4.0.pre-alpha7

Thanks in advance!

Guido Falsi <madpilot at>

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