Feature request...

Jeffrey Bouquet jeffreybouquet at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 31 18:48:31 UTC 2013

Suppose pkg when installing libxul from a package (for example), put the following in /usr/ports/multimedia/gxine (for example) "/usr/ports/multimedia/gxine/pkg_rdep_libxul.(MM-YY or Version or...)" making one .bak copy if it exists.  Then one may know more readily, when it is time to update gxine, if the libxul package may be available. 

I suppose a record of the pkg installs for that particular machine would need to exist on it somewhere, so pkg did not install irrelevant files. (A local.sqlite clone? or a 2nd version relevant only to locally installled packages?) 

This would solve some things locally.  Its difficulty to implement is not something I would be able to ascertain without the input of others.  So just putting the idea into the mix. 

Sorry for the web formatting if off.  For example I cannot add text below my typed signature for some reason. That is also the reason this is not as a reply to other emails re pkg.

J. Bouquet 

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