Question regarding packet forwarding and Squid

Daniel Hartmeier daniel at
Wed Jul 11 07:22:11 UTC 2012

On Mon, Jul 09, 2012 at 06:31:55PM -0700, Hao Bryan Cheng wrote:

> Is there a rule in pf that behaves similarly to ipfw's fwd rule? I have
> heard mentions of a divert-to rule, but I was unsuccessful in finding any
> official documentation on the subject anywhere online.

No, there's no generic rule in pf to solve this for every proxy, but
there is a solution for squid specifically:

When you build the Squid port (www/squid) there is an option

  [ ] SQUID_PF             Enable transparent proxying with PF

This enables a function specifically to deal with your case: when squid,
listening on, receives a connection rdr'd by pf

  src               original dst    rewritten dst -> ->

squid will use a pf-specific ioctl() call to figure out the original
destination, and use it for url_rewrite, too, AFAIK.


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