iptables rule in pf

Oleksandr Samoylyk oleksandr at samoylyk.sumy.ua
Wed May 7 22:02:26 UTC 2008

Dear Community,

I want to move some of our firewalls from Linux/iptables to FreeBSD/pf.

After reading man pf.conf for a couple of minutes I couldn't find the 
realization of such iptables rule in pf:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ethX -d ! my.smtp.server -p tcp --dport 
25 -j DROP
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ethX -p tcp --dport 2525 -j DNAT 
--to-destination :25

How it can be rewriting in pf.conf?


  Oleksandr Samoylyk

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