use of ! in nat broken ?

Mike Tancsa mike at
Thu Jan 3 08:10:07 PST 2008

At 11:09 PM 1/2/2008, David DeSimone wrote:

>The mistake you're making here is the consider pf's syntax to be a
>combined AND'd statement of boolean logic, which it is not.  It is
>really just simple macro expansion, which does not equate to the same

Thanks for the detailed explanation! Reading it that way makes sense 
to me now.  I am trying to think which is more readable in general 
and I think the table syntax is perhaps the best.  It does seem to 
treat it in a way thats slightly more intuitive (for me anyways) in 
that I have one nat statement that applies to "those who I want to 
NAT", and the boolean logic applies in the table definition is readable enough.

table <204network> {!$server1,!$server2,$internal204}

nat on $ext_if from <204network>  to any -> $officepublicIP

Thanks again,


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