how to limit bandwidth for incoming traffic that has destination to gateway itself

Ermal Luçi ermal.luci at
Wed Nov 15 13:05:30 UTC 2006

You have to change from:
pass out on $ext_if proto tcp from <LH> to <Ext> port ssh flags S/SAFR
modulate state queue(std_out, iac_out)
pass out on $ext_if proto tcp from <LH> to <Ext> port $iac_ports flags
S/SAFR modulate state queue(iac_out, ack_out)

pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from <LH> to <Ext> port ssh flags S/SAFR
modulate state queue(std_out, iac_out)
pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from <LH> to <Ext> port $iac_ports flags S/SAFR
modulate state queue(iac_out, ack_out)

Since you are tracking state with S/SAFR that rule can keep track only of
connetion initiated by $gateway itself.
If you use in it will track the connection generated by outside peers.

Don't confuse the concept that ALTQ shapes only outgoing connections with
the keep state one.

Hopes it helps.

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