promt solution with max-src-conn-rate

Bill Marquette bill.marquette at
Mon May 15 16:07:40 UTC 2006

On 5/15/06, GreenX FreeBSD <freebsd at> wrote:
> > I'd advise against what you're trying to do. It won't make your box
> > more secure.
> Why?
> Simply so, on ssh you will not come any more.
> If I am not mistaken, probability of that the scanner will begin the
> check with "key" port,
> and further at once will check up sshd is equal - 1 / (0xFFFF*0xFFFE).
> If he will not make itthis, he can be caught on max-src-conn-rate
> concerning public services,
> and to put for his forward from all ports on ssh localhost.

And you always connect from a trusted network?  Presumably the answer
to this is no, else you'd just put rules in to allow the trusted
network to connect.  Port-knocking is security through obscurity at
it's best and at a minimum is wide open to replay attacks.

If the concern is simply that you don't want someone brute forcing an
account, force the use of SSH authorized keys.  Run a script watching
the logs for anyone failing logins and add those addresses to a block


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