promt solution with max-src-conn-rate

GreenX FreeBSD freebsd at
Mon May 15 04:24:14 UTC 2006


I wish to make so: for that that the port ssh for certain IP would open, 
it is necessary in the beginning will be knocked on other port.
While I have written about such rules:

   block all
   pass in quick on $int_if inet proto tcp from any to $int_if port http 
keep state (max-src-conn-rate 1/60, overload <sshen>)
   pass quick inet proto tcp from <sshen> to $int_if port ssh

They work, but there are some things not arranging me:
- If to change port http for any other empty port (on http post, I have 
working apache) source IP does not get in the table though state it is 
- To be knocked it is necessary two times:) since max-src-conn-rate it 
is not allowed to set a zero.

Somebody was engaged in similar distortions?
Or somebody knows as to solve this task in another with PF?

Best regards, GReenX.

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