Variable parsing difference between OpenBSD and FreeBSD?

Forrest Aldrich forrie at
Wed Nov 30 00:00:47 GMT 2005

Sorry, I meant to say that I'm not using "netris" (that was just an 

The filters "fail" in that only traffic for imap and possibly smtp get 
through, the rest did not.   I wasn't able to figure out "why" in that 
case, as when I added the commas it works fine now.

Daniel Hartmeier wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 29, 2005 at 06:48:37PM -0500, Forrest Aldrich wrote:
>> Yes, it was the only variable that I changed.  Once I added the commas, 
>> it works like a charm.
>> But see my previous post - maybe there's a connection.  Where I can't 
>> get to my public address via the private net (I have my pf.conf posted, 
>> pre-comma addition).
> Well, "it fails" is not a very precise description. Does pfctl refuse to
> load the ruleset and produce an error message? If so, please provide the
> precise error message it prints.
> For instance, if I use the symbolic port name "netris" from the OpenBSD
> example (which isn't in FreeBSD's /etc/services), I get
>   # pfctl -nvf /etc/pf.conf
>   tcp_services = "imap imaps http netris"
>   /etc/pf.conf:3: unknown port netris
>   # cat -n /etc/pf.conf | grep -B 1 -A 1 '^ * 3'
>        2  rdr pass on gem0 inet proto tcp from any to \
>        3    port { $tcp_services } ->
> If it's not a syntax problem pfctl complains about, please explain how
> "it fails", i.e. what you expect it to do and what you observe it doing
> that differs from expectations. I can't imagine how the commas make a
> semantic (but not a syntactic) difference.
> Daniel

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