how to turn off pfsync globally

Michael Weiser michael at
Sun Jul 10 21:44:01 GMT 2005


I'm having trouble silencing pfsync. It insists on broadcasting packets
like this

rule 38/0(match): block out on xl1: >  pfsync 228

to the external network interface for every state change. Up until now I
circumvented that by adding the no-sync option to every rule. But since
I installed pftpx I get those broadcasts again, seemingly because
pftpx's dynamic rules don't have the no-sync option. Now I did another
hack and just said

ifconfig pfsync0 syncdev lo0

But this certainly isn't the right way to do it[tm].

Confusingly the pf documentation on says:

> By default, pfsync(4) does not send or receive state table updates on
> the network; however, updates can still be monitored using tcpdump(8) or
> other such tools on the local machine.

Why am I getting them on my external interface then?
How do I globally switch off pfsync if I don't need it?

Thanks in advance.
bye, Micha

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