IPv6 MLD packets blocked

Bernhard Schmidt berni at birkenwald.de
Sat Dec 4 15:08:37 PST 2004


> > http://www.birkenwald.de/~berni/tmp/mld.dump
> The decoded packet looks sane:

Just a quick guess, could this be the problem?

> ip6_opt
>     ip6o_type	0x05 (IP6OPT_ROUTER_ALERT)
>     ip6o_len	0x02
>     ip6or_value	0x0000 (IP6_ALERT_MLD)

IPv6 Router Alert option is apparently only used by three protocols
(MLD, RSVP and so called "Active Networks message") according to
RFC2711, with MLD being the most widespread application. Without looking
at the code this is where I would look for it.


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