TEST_DEPENDS support and other issues

Steve Wills swills at FreeBSD.org
Wed Feb 8 13:54:59 UTC 2012

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Hello Perl Porters,

As you may know, I've been working on adding support for testing perl
modules, starting with adding TEST_DEPENDS to all perl modules which
need it. Does anyone have opinions on me using the perl@ hat to add
TEST_DEPENDS for those perl modules which need it and avoiding sending
PRs to maintainers and waiting for approval?

Also, I'd love to hear feedback on a PR I have which is a first step
towards adding TEST_DEPENDS support to bpm. It's PR 164896. Right now
it just adds support for the test target. I need add support for
installing the TEST_DEPENDS if one calls "make test" from the port
dir, but I haven't been able to decide if I should work on a separate
"test stage" similar to the fetch/extract/patch/build/run, etc. stages
or of simply creating a separate target makes sense. Feedback on that
would be much appreciated too.

Finally, if anyone has thoughts on adding -pthread to the perl builds,
I'd like to get that done. Note that this isn't about enabling
useithreads support in perl, but rather about building perl with
- -pthread so that libthr is linked before libc. This means that if perl
loads a module which uses threads or is linked against a lib that uses
threads, it can use threads properly. Please see PR 163878 and PR
163512 for more details. I discussed this a bit with tobez@ but I
think it's important that more folks understand it. This issue is
something that came up in my testing project as the source of many
test failures.

My apologies for bringing up so many issues in one mail. I should have
sent this sooner and have waited until the issues piled up.

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