security/p5-Authen-SASL port

Terry Kennedy terry at
Mon Mar 27 21:24:14 UTC 2006

  This port version upgrade now depends on GSSAPI:

*** Module::AutoInstall version 1.02
*** Checking for Perl dependencies...
[DIGEST-MD5 mechanism]
- Digest::MD5      ...loaded. (2.36)
[CRAM-MD5 mechanism]
- Digest::HMAC_MD5 ...loaded. (1.01)
[GSSAPI mechanism]
- GSSAPI           ...missing.
==> Auto-install the 1 optional module(s) from CPAN? [n] 

  Is it your intent to introduce a new GSSAPI port and make this port
depend on it, or should users agree to the auto-install option? The
other Perl dependencies (Digest::MD5 and Digest::HMAC_MD5) come from

  I'm concerned because if I install GSSAPI from CPAN and you later
introduce it as a port, I'll get "package held by user" complaints 
from portupgrade.

        Terry Kennedy   
        terry at             New York, NY USA

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