
Igor Roshchin str at komkon.org
Thu Mar 2 10:14:39 PST 2006


I am using p5-Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.0_6 on a 5.4-R system.
It is installed (upgraded) via portupgrade (on February 16).
I've noticed the following (imho incorrect) behavior.
As installed from the ports using portupgrade it is set to run
as a root (not as spamd user).
After previous installation, I changed the file 
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/sa-spamd.sh :

- command_args="-d -r ${pidfile}"
+ command_args="-d -r ${pidfile} -u spamd"

However, the new installation of the port overwrites this file.

Is there a more elegant way of specifying '-u spamd' ?
Why doesn't port installation use -u spamd (--username spamd) 
as a default setting even though it is presently a preferred model
for FreeBSD?

I believe the initial installation I had (from packages) - does
install this package that it runs as a spamd user. Why does not
the port do so?

Also, even when the spamd is ran as a spamd users as above,
AWL.pm is trying to write the auto-whitelist into the ~root/.spamassassin
directory instead of ~spamd/.spamassassin.
I was able to specify in local.cf:
auto_whitelist_path /var/spool/spamd/.spamassassin/
but I suspect there is some correct way of dealing with this 
so that AWL.pm correctly recognizes the "spamd" username.

Thank you,

Igor Roshchin
System Administrator
KomKon Sites

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