Perl Ports and 'make test'

Lars Balker Rasmussen lars at
Sat Jul 1 23:17:21 UTC 2006

On Sat, Jul 01, 2006 at 02:09:31PM -0600, Aaron Dalton wrote:
> I did a quick search of the mailing list archives and didn't see any
> postings on this matter (which surprised me actually).  Is anybody
> working on a way to incorporate Perl's 'make test' procedure into the
> port building framework?  

To move on a tangent to this:

There's a problem with dependencies - ideally cpan-modules would introduce
the possibility of installing without testing, and splitting dependencies
into run, build and test.

For some of my ports, a LOT of modules get pulled in, which have no other 
purpose than to support a test-suite we don't run.  I've considered patching
their {Build,Makefile}.PL to not require these modules, but it'll take a
lot of work...

A similar split of run/build/test in ports could be helpful, but without
cpan doing the same, we'd probably not get anywhere fast.

(Blame erwins beer for this stream-of-consciousness, and good night :) )
Lars Balker Rasmussen                                        Consult::Perl

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