bug in p5-PCSC-Card port and a fix for it

Fumiaki Okushi fumiaki at okushi.com
Tue Dec 19 23:18:49 PST 2006

Hi, I hope this is the correct email address to report a bug and suggest a fix.
If not, please forward to the appropriate channel.

I tried to use p5-PCSC-Card on 6-stable but it failed with the message:

  Failed to load PCSC library

On examination, I found that the reference to the pcsc-lite library was to libpcsclite.so.0.
On my 6-stable system, there is no libpcsclite.so.0 but libpcsclite.so.1.
After editing files/path-PCSCperl.h so that the reference is to libpcsclite.so.1
I am able to build p5-PCSC-Card that would work on my system.

A possibly better fix might be to simply refer to libpcsclite.so (and not .so.1)
and let the system decide which version of libpcsclite.so to use.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Fumiaki Okushi

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