about databases/p5-DBD-Pg

Lars Thegler lars at thegler.dk
Tue Feb 22 11:54:50 PST 2005

Erwin Lansing wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 22, 2005 at 08:35:13AM +0100, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
>>Last version of this only supports perl 5.6+ (requires DBI 1.38+), I'm on
>>my way to update it, but should I ask for a repocopy to preserve the last
>>5.005 compatible one ?
> *sigh* I wonder how many people still use perl 5.005_03 as more and more
> modules no longer work with it, and many modules are starting to only
> support 5.8+ and not even work with 5.6+. I don't think it's worth the
> trouble to keep the older version as we did with p5-DBI. Remember that
> it were other times then, when 4.x still was our production release. If
> there comes a public outcry, we can always do one later.

With all due respect, as long as 4.x is still officially alive, I think 
we should support it. I agree, the 5.005_03 usage is hopefully 
dwindling, but this can only be guesswork at best :)

It is my observation, that most perl modules either just work on 
5.005_03, or can be made to work with minor modifications. Of course, 
some modules use 5.6+ facilities and are harder, if not impossible, to 
make work under the old perl, and for these I find it perfectly 
reasonable to IGNORE them.

I personally try my damndest to back-port stuff to 5.005_03, and it is 
only a waste of time if I'm alone in doing that ;)


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