automated p5 ports creation

Anton Berezin tobez at
Fri Aug 5 07:21:43 GMT 2005


Just saw this subject to come up on IRC (again).

So it is probably a good time to share what I already have.

Actually, everybody with a relatively modern lang/perl5.8 installed has
it as a BSDPAN secret mode, dubbed P5PORTER mode  :-)

The P5PORTER mode operation assumes that you have YAML and
Template-Toolkit installed.

1. Create a directory somewhere (I've used ~/perl-ports), and copy
attached Makefile.skeleton to it.  Edit it to your liking.

2. Choose some CPAN distribution which should be in ports but for some
reason is not.

3. Download. Unpack somewhere.  cd somewhere.

4. Run P5PORTER=~/perl-ports perl Makefile.PL
Pay attention to the output.  In particular, BSDPAN is supposed to warn
you about dependencies it cannot resolve, as well as about dependencies
which are in the ports collection but which are not currently installed.

This process is at the moment very heuristic (that is, dumb).

Resolve the dependencies, create ports for non-existing ones (possibly
using the same procedure), install the dependencies.

make realclean;  repeat (4) until all dependencies are reported as

5. Run P5PORTER=~/perl-ports make

6. if (5) works, run make test.  If any patching is needed, record the
patches somewhere.

7. if (6) works, go root and run P5PORTER=~/perl-ports make install

8. pkg_delete bsdpan-Correct-Distribution-Name-0.42
Clean up any files/dirs pkg_delete failed to delete for some reason
(there should not be any).

9. Go to ~/perl-ports/p5-Correct-Distribution-Name

Review and fix Makefile and pkg-plist.  Copy the directory to
/usr/ports/right_place.  Do make makesum

10. Proceed with normal testing/fixing cycle for a brand new port.

11. Add the port or send a PR with it.

Needless to say, this will probably only work for the simple cases, and
is by no means fool-proof.

The moronity of the universe is a monotonically increasing function. --
Jarkko Hietaniemi
-------------- next part --------------
# New ports collection makefile for:	XXX/p5-[% portname %]
# Date created:				[% today %]
# Whom:					Anton Berezin <tobez at>
# $FreeBSD$

PORTNAME=	[% portname %]
PORTVERSION=	[% portversion %]
# if this is wrong, fix it by hand
MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR=	[% subdir %]

MAINTAINER=	tobez at
COMMENT=	[% comment %]

[% IF has_dependencies %]BUILD_DEPENDS=	[% freebsd_dependencies %]


MAN3=	[% man3 %]

.include <>
#  .... or ....
.include <>

.if ${PERL_LEVEL} < 500600
IGNORE=		Port requires perl 5.6.0 or later. Install lang/perl5 and try again

.include <>

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