
Dieter freebsd at sopwith.solgatos.com
Thu Apr 24 18:37:13 UTC 2008

The handbook says:

	The vfs.write_behind sysctl variable defaults to 1 (on).
	This tells the file system to issue media writes as full
	clusters are collected, which typically occurs when
	writing large sequential files. The idea is to avoid
	saturating the buffer cache with dirty buffers when it
	would not benefit I/O performance. However, this may
	stall processes and under certain circumstances you may
	wish to turn it off.

Looking through the documentation, I can't find an explaination
of what a cluster is.  Multiple blocks?

How would this stall processes?  Seems backwards.  If you don't
have write-behind, a process would block until the data gets
written to the media.

So if vfs.write_behind is 0, then a larger number of smaller
writes are issued?

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