network perf : em driver ?

Chuck Swiger cswiger at
Fri Jan 12 10:41:14 PST 2007

On Jan 12, 2007, at 8:07 AM, R. B. Riddick wrote:
> As the "OP" (what is that exactly? again an animal?) mentioned:  
> Apache performs
> worse than scp.

Quick testing suggests that an Apache child process accumulates a  
similar amount of CPU time transferring large files as scp when using  
an SSL connection; if you access Apache via HTTP rather than HTTPS,  
it uses much less CPU than scp does.

> My memory tells me similar things... Remember: Apache is
> optimized for LINUX not necessarily for FreeBSD...

Apache's been optimized to run quite well on a lot of platforms,  
although it is somewhat heavy-weight compared with a webserver  
oriented towards serving static files only.


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