UDP performance.

Peter Losher Peter_Losher at isc.org
Wed Feb 28 09:54:57 UTC 2007

Ivan Voras wrote:

> I agree in general, but MySQL performance is very exposed as an advocacy
> issue - it has traditionally been the source of statements like
> "FreeBSD's threading implementation is weak/bad/broken".

And these days ISC can't consciously recommend FreeBSD for use on
high-traffic DNS servers because UDP performance has (frankly) gone
downhill since 5.x.

We recently put a stock Fedora Core 6 and a stock FreeBSD 6.2 on the
same HW (HP ProLiant DL320 G5 Dual Core Xeons w/ 16GB RAM) and running
BIND 9.4.0 and a well known ccTLD zone that we slammed a query stream
to.  On a single threaded BIND, there was a 20% advantage to Linux, on a
multi threaded build, Linux trounced FreeBSD (39k to 89k queries/sec)

There's also been other analysis done by Marcelo Amarai @ Registro.br
that was posted to freebsd-net back last September.


I know there have been some discussion between some of the FreeBSD folks
and my colleague Mark Andrews about improving BIND's performance on
FreeBSD.  Is there anything coming down the pipeline that will help stem
this tide in 7.x?

Peter_Losher at isc.org | ISC | OpenPGP 0xE8048D08 | "The bits must flow"

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