FreeBSD 5.1 Server Crashed twice in 10 minutes.

Bosko Milekic bmilekic at
Wed Aug 6 20:07:41 PDT 2003

On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 06:37:47PM -0700, Pedram N wrote:
> I found this...  Are there any other suggestions?
> At 06:04 PM 8/6/2003 -0700, Pedram N wrote:
> >Hello my server has crashed twice.. Is there any better way of determining
> >what exactly is causing the panic? I'm not used to having FreeBSD crash.

  Tell us exactly what version of the sources you're running.  If you
  cvsup'd, when was the last time?  If you're running 5.1, have you been
  keeping up?  Are you subscribed to freebsd-current at ?  If
  so, you may want to post about your 5.1 problems there.  Follow the
  instructions in that article and set-up so that you can capture a
  crash dump or at the _least_ a stack trace from DDB before you post.

  Several problems have been fixed in -current as of the last week or
  so, so you may want to try fresher sources, too.
Bosko Milekic  *  bmilekic at  *  bmilekic at
TECHNOkRATIS Consulting Services  *

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