Port Suggestion

Warren Block wblock at wonkity.com
Wed Jul 2 02:29:02 UTC 2008

The OO ports create binaries and links with the version number as part 
of the name; "openoffice.org-2.4.1-scalc", for example.

Unless there's something obvious I've missed, each time the port is 
updated, anything that refers to the OO programs by name has to be 
modified.  (For example, window manager menu entries.)

If the port could create generic links in addition to the ones with 
version numbers, it would be one less step needed in updating.

In other words, create a link called "openoffice.org-scalc" (or maybe 
even just "scalc") in addition to the one with a version number.  More 

--- Makefile.orig	2008-07-01 19:46:20.000000000 -0600
+++ Makefile	2008-07-01 19:50:11.000000000 -0600
@@ -252,6 +252,14 @@
  	@${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/bin/${EXECBASE} ${PREFIX}/bin/${EXECBASE}-simpress
  	@${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/bin/${EXECBASE} ${PREFIX}/bin/${EXECBASE}-spadmin
  	@${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/bin/${EXECBASE} ${PREFIX}/bin/${EXECBASE}-swriter
+	@${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/bin/${EXECBASE} ${PREFIX}/bin/${PORTNAME}-sbase
+	@${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/bin/${EXECBASE} ${PREFIX}/bin/${PORTNAME}-scalc
+	@${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/bin/${EXECBASE} ${PREFIX}/bin/${PORTNAME}-sdraw
+	@${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/bin/${EXECBASE} ${PREFIX}/bin/${PORTNAME}-setofficelang
+	@${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/bin/${EXECBASE} ${PREFIX}/bin/${PORTNAME}-smath
+	@${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/bin/${EXECBASE} ${PREFIX}/bin/${PORTNAME}-simpress
+	@${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/bin/${EXECBASE} ${PREFIX}/bin/${PORTNAME}-spadmin
+	@${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/bin/${EXECBASE} ${PREFIX}/bin/${PORTNAME}-swriter
  	@${ECHO_CMD} "" > ${TMPPLIST}
  	@cd ${PREFIX} ; ${FIND} -s bin \( -type f -or -type l \) -name "${EXECBASE}*" >> ${TMPPLIST}
  	@cd ${PREFIX} ; ${FIND} -s ${INSTALLATION_BASEDIR} \( -type f -or -type l \) >> ${TMPPLIST}

This ignores other minor changes would be needed, like a pkg-message 
telling the user about the generic names and putting them in the 
generated pkg-plist.


-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA

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