oo-1.1.1RC1 unexpected configure error

Stefan Farrenkopf sfarren at gwdg.de
Thu Mar 18 05:31:00 PST 2004


the same situation here too on a up-to-date 4.9. box :(


--On Thursday, March 18, 2004 07:45:38 -0500 "Ian D. Leroux" 
<ian_leroux at fastmail.fm> wrote:

> The build of openoffice-1.1 fails systematically at the configure stage,
> with a complaint that I don't have a jdk installed. I do in fact have a
> working (~2 week old update) of jdk14, and make has already checked
> this. As requested, I'm attaching the build log, the config.log, and the
> output of `ls /var/db/pkg`.
> Ian Leroux

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