gcc32 gcc34 conflict, libpthread, file autopilot form error

Fritz Heinrichmeyer fritz.heinrichmeyer at fernuni-hagen.de
Wed Mar 17 00:30:16 PST 2004

it seems that gcc32 port introduces the libpthread <-> libc_r  problem that 
must be solved with proper editing /etc/libmap.conf under freebsd current.

Unfortunately gcc32 freebsd port insists on linking against libc_r.so and 
wipes out gcc34 port when installed with portupgrade.

btw: i also see the "crash" (controlled shutdown) of openoffice with

Java is currently only recognized on all stages when /usr/local/jdk1.4.2/bin 
is in PATH.

Here i use a recently compiled freebsd-current system and i am compelled to 
compile OO with gcc32.

(this message contains 3 emails :-)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Fritz Heinrichmeyer FernUniversitaet, LG ES, 58084 Hagen (Germany)
tel:+49 2331/987-1166 fax:987-355 http://www-es.fernuni-hagen.de/~jfh

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