OO.org packages for 5.1

Devon Ryan dryan9 at itsa.ucsf.edu
Mon Feb 2 14:00:33 PST 2004

Are there still any places to get OpenOffice.org packages for FreeBSD
5.1?  I had a copy once upon a time but must have deleted it.  I've tried 
the packages for 5.2 without success (upgrading the system to 5.2 so as
to be in sync with the package produces immediate panic on my system).
Thanks much

Devon Ryan                       |   dpryan at sg.uchicago.edu
UCSF Neuroscience Grad Program   |   dryan9 at itsa.ucsf.edu
University of Chicago '02        |   dpryan at alumni.uchicago.edu
http://www.dpryan.com            |   dpryan at dpryan.com

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