Use of C99 extra long double math functions after r236148

Bruce Evans brde at
Sun Aug 12 23:09:20 UTC 2012

On Thu, 19 Jul 2012, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:

> I did a ULP test on clog.  The test code is attached.  (Not the cleanest 
> code, I know, but it does the job.)  It needs the mpfr and unuran ports 
> installed.
> To my shock, I found that under certain circumstances, the ULP in the real 
> part was huge.  The problem is when hypot(x,y) is close to 1, because then 
> the real part of clog is close to zero.  I was seeing ULPs in the thousands.

Better than GULPs in the thousands :-).

This is not the problem that I first thought it might be.

> I struggled to find a solution, and now I think I have the ULP down to about 
> 2.  I am going to work on it more tomorrow to see if I can get ULP down even 
> further.

I peeked at the Apple code (complex.c).  It is not very sophisticated, but
usages log1p() and doesn't use hypot().  I don't know if this is inherently
more accurate or is just more efficient.

Apple code has a more sophisticated casinh() based on Kahan's old papers
about branch cuts and nothing's sign bit.

I don't know if Apple's copyright inibits us using complex.c.  Its uglyness
prevents me using it.  We didn't use it for cexp() or ccosh(), and our
code is better.


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