Use of C99 extra long double math functions after r236148

Stephen Montgomery-Smith stephen at
Sun Aug 12 23:06:31 UTC 2012

On 07/17/2012 06:13 AM, Bruce Evans wrote:
> On Mon, 16 Jul 2012, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
>> On 07/16/2012 06:37 PM, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
>>> ...
>>> The difficulty is that catanh, cacosh, and cacosh do not have unique
>>> answers unless one makes some kind of accepted convention as to what
>>> they should be.
>>> I did find some definitions at
>>>   I'm going to guess that there is a typo in that the range of the
>>> imaginary part should be [0,i pi], because the usual convention is that
>>> acos of a real number is a real number between 0 and pi.
> I think C99 specificies the branch cus and boundary behaviour completely.
>>> We might get lucky, and find that the definitions of csqrt and clog in
>>> the C99 standard are already set up so that the naive formulas for
>>> cacosh, etc, just work.  But whether they do or whether they don't, I
>>> think I can do it.  (As a first guess, I think that catanh and casinh
>>> will work "out of the box" but cacosh is going to take a bit more work.)
> See below what happened for naive formulars for ccosh.
>>> Also casin, catan and cacos are essentially the same as casinh, etc,
>>> using formulas like sin(ix) = i sinh(x).  (The hardest part is to avoid
>>> making a sign error.)
>> I came up with pseudo code that looks a bit like this.
>> complex casinh(complex z) {
>>  double x =, y =;
>>  if (y==0)
>>    return asinh(x);
>>  if (x==0) {
>>    if (fabs(y)<=1) return I*asin(y);
>>    else return signum(y)* (
>>      log(fabs(y)+sqrt(y*y-1))
>>      + I*PI/2);
>>  }
>>  if (x>0)
>>    return clog(z+csqrt(z*z+1));
>>  else
>>    return -clog(-z+csqrt(z*z+1));
>> }
> I translated this to pari.  There was a sign error for the log() term
> (assuming that pari asinh() has the same branch cuts as C99):
> % \p 100
> % % PI = Pi;
> % clog(z) = log(z);
> % csqrt(z) = sqrt(z);
> % fabs(x) = abs(x);
> % signum(x) = sign(x);
> % % casinh(z) =
> % {
> %     local(x, y);
> % %     x = real(z);
> %     y = imag(z);
> %     if (y == 0,
> %         return (asinh(x));
> %     );
> %     if (x == 0,
> %         if (fabs(y) <= 1,
> %             return (I * asin(y));
> %         ,
> %             return (signum(y) *
> %                 (-log(fabs(y) + sqrt(y * y - 1)) + I * PI / 2));
> %         );
> %     );
> %     if (x > 0,
> %         return (clog(z + csqrt(z * z + 1)));
> %     ,
> %         return (-clog(-z + csqrt(z * z + 1)));
> %     );
> % }
> % % {
> % forstep (x = -10, 10, 0.1,
> %     forstep (y = -10, 10, 0.1,
> %         z = x + I*y;
> %         r = casinh(z) - asinh(z);
> %         if (abs(r) > 1e-30,
> %             print("z         = " z);
> %             print("casinh(z) = " casinh(z));
> %             print(" asinh(z) = " asinh(z));
> %             print("diff      = " r);
> %         );
> %     );
> % );
> % }
> (No differences found after fixing the sign.)
> Pari of course does all the calculations almost perfectly accurately (I
> told it to provide 100 decimal digits).  Most multi-precision calculators
> can do the same.  So pari can be used to develop the logic, but it is hard
> to use it develop accurate routines for limited precision.
> The most obvious immediate difficulty in translating the above into C is
> that y*y and z*z may overflow when the result shouldn't.  hypot() and
> cabs() handle similar problems, with remarkably large complications.
> C99 with IEEE754 FP actually handles some aspects of overflow better
> than pari.  E.g., exp(10^9) gives oveflow in pari, with no way of handling
> it AFAIK, while in C99 + IEEE754 it gives +Inf with FE_OVERFLOW.
> Bruce

Excellent.  I think I will use pari to write the test code to check the 
ULP of the result.

And I'll look into using hypot, or its logic, to compute sqrt(y*y-1).

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