Use of C99 extra long double math functions after r236148

Peter Jeremy peter at
Sun Aug 12 21:56:58 UTC 2012

On 2012-Jul-28 22:58:24 +1000, Peter Jeremy <peter at> wrote:
>My test harness can be found at
>There are no special compilation options, it just needs to be linked
>with '-lm' (and '-ldl' on Linux).  For normal use, just run the
>executable - it will report any failures.  For "finite" arguments, it
>currently uses 3π/4 and 32769 other random numbers (the latter is

stephen@ found that it wasn't checking long-double NAN results (it
checked float results twice due to a typo).  I've fixed that and can't
see any other similar errors.  An updated version can be found at

Also, because it uses dlfunc() to locate functions for testing, all
test functions have to be in shared libraries - it won't detect
functions directly linked in.  This means you need Makefile entries
similar to:

ctest: ctest.c
	cc ${CFLAGS} -Wl,-rpath=. ctest.c -o ctest -L. -lfoo -lm foo.c
	cc ${CFLAGS} -fPIC -c foo.c
	cc ${CFLAGS} -shared -Wl,-soname, -o foo.o

And, since I don't think I mentioned it before, it does bitwise
comparisons of finite results.  Particularly in cases where the result
is a transcendental number, this can result in false positives where
the result is out by a few ULP.  You will need to interpret the
actual report to decide whether the result is acceptable.

Peter Jeremy
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