Complex arg-trig functions

Bruce Evans brde at
Wed Aug 8 17:12:22 UTC 2012

On Wed, 8 Aug 2012, Peter Jeremy wrote:

> On 2012-Aug-05 12:19:54 -0700, Steve Kargl <sgk at> wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 05, 2012 at 01:48:53PM -0500, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
>>> I plan to respect your style (keep out very lengthy comments), but I
>>> hope whomever commits my code will respect my style and keep the lengthy
>>> comments.
>> Essay long comments probably belong in the man page if the essay is
>> important to the details of implementation.  Bruce may disagree with
>> me.

Of course only details visible to applications belong in the man page.
But I think many details belong in meta-comments in something more
like a readme than in every source file.

> I also believe that implementation details belong in the code and not
> the man page.  The man page should contain information necessary to
> use the function: Domain, range, behaviour with exceptional inputs,
> accuracy and similar.  Any "unexpected" behaviours as a side-effect of
> the implementation can be mentioned under BUGS.

Note that FreeBSD man pages mostly have less than this, and less than
even the non-Annex parts of C99, after removing some out-of date
meta-info from math.3.

> The user shouldn't
> need to know that it's implemented by range-reduction to [0 .. e/7]
> and then evaluated with an 11th order truncated Chebyshev polynomial
> that's had coefficients tweaked by a demon I summoned one evening.

Unless the implementation affects the user-visible behaviour.  For
example, on i386 trig functions are still implemented using the i387
(except in my version), so applications are exposed to the huge errors
near multiples of pi/2 (starting at 1*pi/2) that are normal for the i387.
A note about this would point to the right place to blame :-).

> OTOH, the code itself should contain comments explaining what it is
> doing - particularly where it is relying on details of the floating
> point implementation or the difference between an operation on real
> (or complex) numbers and the same operation on float/double/...
> numbers.

That's too detailed.  Almost every line depends on IEEE754 arithmetic
and on this not being too broken.  Many depend on the arithmetic _not_
being the same as real arithmetic.  An example is almost every line
in Dekker's algorithm.

> It's also useful to document why alternative (particularly
> "obviously better" alternative) approaches won't work.

Again too detailed.  On most lines I consider a couple of routine
alternatives.  For critical lines, I consider and try many more.


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