resizing partitions and slices

Graham North graham.north at
Tue May 3 20:59:46 PDT 2005

I just ghosted an image of my FreeBSD install from an aging harddrive 
(2GB) and now wish to install it on a new 30G drive.
When it lands there it will have tons of space and I would particularily 
like to grow the userland space and probably also /var.
If memory serves - these are partitions and the entire FreeBSD space is 
a slice???

I have Partition Magic 8.0 - but I do not think that it recognizes or 
formats the FreeBSD filesystem though it does do ext2,3.
My wish at this time is to use only about 10G or the 30 and partition 
the rest for another OS.

Can anyone tell me how to adjust my FBSD slice to the 10G and then the 
partions inside it ?

Thanks in advance for any patient advice.

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