keeping 5.1 install up to date?

Lute Mullenix lute at
Fri Jan 21 11:16:24 PST 2005

On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 07:36:39 -0500
"aklist_061666" <aklist_061666 at> insisted:

> Hi All:
> Are there any FAQs or guides available online that explain how to keep a
> 5.1 install up to date, in terms of patching installed packages, etc.?
> Are there any utilities that can tell you if updates are available for
> installed packages?
> TIA, AK 

Yes you do that with cvsup it's not hard to set up and easy to use, it's
covered in the handbook but I don't have time right now to find just where
it's at, (on the way to work).

Good luck and have fun.


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