wallpaper for blackbox

Kevin Kinsey kdk at daleco.biz
Tue Feb 8 09:14:41 PST 2005

crzdgns1 at starpower.net wrote:

>I recently installed blackbox on my PII Celeron (FreeBSD-5.3-
>RELEASE, Xorg) and am very happy with its minimalist approach.  
>One of the things I do miss from windows XP is the ability to use my 
>own pictures, or pictures I've downloaded, as wallpaper.  Is there a 
>way in blackbox to use my own pictures as wallpaper?  How and 
>where do I find more information?

Been a while since I used bb/fb (though I did like 'em).

IIRC, styles go under:


These are simply config type files that list various
options for the window manager.  One of the final lines
was something like this:

rootCommand:    wmsetbg --scale /path/to/myphoto.jpg

which simply tells the wm to set the root window's
background to your preferred photo.

Another cool place to look for info might be bsdforums.org;
IIRC, there's a long thread there of people showing off their
eye candy; you can pick up ideas and URL's of wallpapers,
and probably a style file or two as well.


Kevin Kinsey

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