ran out of space while compiling the kernel....

John Murphy spam-trap at freeode.co.uk
Tue Sep 7 16:37:43 PDT 2004

Guybrush Threepwood <domain.admin at online.ie> wrote:

>Greetings and salutations

To you too.

>I wanted to set up my FreeBSD 4.7 box as a gateway for my other computer.
>this required installing an ISDN card, which I did and then I tried to
>recompile my kernel to enable isdn4bsd support.
>everything went fine till the final part "make install" which produces this:
>install -m 555 -o root -g wheel -fschg  kernel /kernel
>/: write failed, file system is full
>install: /kernel: No space left on device
>*** Error code 71
>Stop in /sys/compile/ISDN4BSD.

It may have only missed by a few Bytes.

>great. so I tried df, here's what it says:
>Filesystem  1K-blocks   Used      Avail     Capacity  Mounted on
>/dev/ad0s1a    128990   125886   -7214      106%       /
>/dev/ad0s1f    257998    10          237350     0%          /tmp
>/dev/ad0s1g   8779334  849508  7227480    11%       /usr
>/dev/ad0s1e    257998   4586      232774      2%         /var
>procfs              4            4             0              100%
>before compiling the kernel "/" capacity was at 75%. What happened when I

On my 5.2.1 system (and it was probably the same on 4.7) the default
is to build new kernel modules after backing up the old ones in the
/boot/kernel.old directory.  So try:

du -hc /boot/kernel

To see how many blocks are used there.  Add that to the size of the
compiled kernel (when you've retrieved some space) and it's probably
close to 25% of 129MByte.  Close enough to believe the error message.

>how did it get filled up?

Only you would know, presuming you're the only user with 'root' access.
You have /var and /tmp on different partitions so no problem there.

>can I encrase the syze of the root mount point?

There should be no need to.

>what should I do?

Find which process or user is abusing the root file system
and make it stop, and then move or delete the errant files.
I'd guess you've been filling /root so try:

du -hc /root

>any advice will be greatly appriciated

You should only ask technical questions at questions at freebsd.org
As a newbie, which is mostly who you'll find on a newbie list, I
could be dangerously wrong.  Could've been a simple typo which
if commanded by the super user would have erased a crucial part
of the file system.  Such an error would be spotted by other
subscribers, to the questions@ list, who quickly respond with
corrections.  There are times when the newbie@ list is so quiet
that there may not be any "peer review".
Not good for quality technical questions and answers.

Be 'root' as rarely as possible.
HTH, John.

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