FBSD 5.3-STABLE and 200GB USB2 drive

Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. kdk at daleco.biz
Sat Nov 13 15:20:35 PST 2004

nick holley wrote:

>On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 11:54:40 +0100, Darksidex <humprhey at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 18:19:40 +0100, Darksidex <humprhey at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>That is my problem. I have updated my system to 5.3, and I tried to
>>>>mount my USB2.0 drive (with 200GB), and the system can't mount it. I
>>>>had heard that this FBSD version was able to mount this kind of
>>>>drives, it is true? In that case, what I have to do?
>>>Can you be a little more specific? What errors (if any) do you
>>>receive? Does the system detect the drive? etc.
>>mountmsdosfs(): disk too big (or something like this at this moment I
>>dont remember)
>>My systems detects the unit, in /dev/da0s1
>>#: mount_msdosfs /dev/da0s1 /internet (/internet directory exists)
>I'm want to say that your problem is exactly what it says. I think
>that FreeBSD can only deal with a fat32 partition up to a certain size
>(128GB?). You might also try splitting it into a couple of different
>partitions or reformatting as UFS if you don't need windows

Also might want to keep careful track of what is going on with
development; one of the goals for 5.3-RELEASE, I thought, was
merging in some changes to msdosfs contributed by the nice
folks at Apple; but I've not checked lately to see if that was done
or whatnot ...

Kevin Kinsey
DaleCo, S.P.

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