Technical questions and Newbie experience.

Chauncey Smith csmith at
Tue May 25 18:32:28 PDT 2004

I've noticed a lot of new users that come in here post a technical question
and haven't read the Handbook  yet.
I think we need to have more conversations about our newbie experiences so
when a new person joins the mailing list he can see what the list is all
about. I know that it happens atleast once a week someone can't start X
windows or someone can't load a port because they're not root, or they
simply don't know about the resolve.conf feature of FreeBSD 5.x.

Well I'll start the conversation with my quest for a small mother board for
a router. I really want something with USB. I'm thinking the M-ITX format
board from EPIA.I've also looked at SBC's but they all have this back plan
adaptor and  I really. want something that can be self contained and small.
I'm even looking at the Jetway board with a DOC slot. Disk on Chip. sounds
so cool. And would be great for a freevo unit as well.

Let's talk about our projects as well.

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