Need advice/direction picking a distro

mosborne mosborne at
Wed May 12 06:43:38 PDT 2004

Hi all, with the start of the summer here I am going to have
a little more time on my hands and was wanting to dig into a
new distro. Up until now I haven't had a lot of time so I
have just been running man9.1 and I was now thinking about
making the jump to Debian or even one of the BSD's. What
I've been looking for on the net and can't seem to find is a
good review of the pros/cons of a linux distro like Debian
vs. say freeBSD/openBSD. They all seem to have a great
informative community and thats what makes the decision
harder. Please try not too be too biased in your reply. ;]
thx, m.

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