adsl router, dhcp works to the router but not the net?

John Murphy spam-trap at
Fri Jul 16 14:47:29 PDT 2004

"Josh" <void_validation at> wrote:

>I'm very new to freebsd, i have managed installing and setting
>up dhcp, but i cant access the net.
>i can get to my modem web config all good and fine, but can't
>access sites.

Can you access this one?:
It's IP so if you can access by IP number it
is likely that your resolver isn't configured.

>is there a program within bsd to diagnose this?
>i used ifconfig but that means nothing. 

Means nothing to you perhaps but its output would help other
list subscribers to help you.

You should send your question to questions at where
all technical questions should go, and you should include as
much information as you can eg. the output of 'ifconfig -a',
'cat /etc/resolv.conf', 'netstat -rn' and 'uname -a'.

>i am new soz.

No problem, we were all new once ;)


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